ABC’s Expedition Impossible has done the impossible…it has become the FIRST show in nearly 10 years that has captivated my attention. I’ve never seen a full episode of American Idol or 24 (is that show still running??), but I’m actually anxious to gather the family around the tube on Thursday nights to watch a blind man jump off cliffs, tame a wild stallion, and kayak in raging waters…Go No Limits!
It’s been so inspiring, Team Smith Kids (minus MaryAnn) decided to tackle a few obstacles of their own.
In prep…we tie-dyed t-shirts the day before and the kids packed for the unknown events ahead. Diggy thought to pack popcorn…just in case…And it proved to be worthwhile cargo….used to creatively convince their 2-yr-old teammate to set aside emotional concerns and agree with her siblings for an entire hour.
After taking off on bikes with Allison and Cienna in tow behind Kenny…
They arrived at their first check-point where they had to strategically climb around on park equipment and then pick who would taste the 5 “yucky” foods waiting at the picnic table. Luckily, they had Cienna on their team, who happily downed the avocado, her favorite delicacy.
Then it was back on their bikes to ride nearly 2 miles around a nearby lake…a true test of endurance on a 90 degree day.
Their map around the lake ended at “Pirate Ship” park where they had to find the X that marks the spot, dig for their final challenge…
And walk across the finish line as a team…
Where the Treasure Box was waiting…with gum in it (immediate gratification for a 2-yr-old) and tickets to go out to eat for dinner and ice cream sundaes.
The adventure was just as exciting and dramatic as the real deal…with tears at times, pure determination and teamwork throughout, and triumph at the finish line.
(One notable dramatic moment occurred at the first check point: Apparently, my cute husband had arrived at the local school park to hide a clue near the slide and a brown paper bag under the picnic table just after the fire alarm had randomly sounded. So, when the secretary and principal (who had been busy preparing for the upcoming school year) investigated a bit and discovered a “suspicious” man out on the playground sneaking around without a child in sight…they could’ve/should’ve called 911…But after bravely approaching the stranger, the principal recognized him as ordinary Mr. Smith. The rest of us arrived a minute later and while the kids hustled around, I got to hear about Ms. Csensich’s summer adventures in Africa.)
Allison, in her cheerful high-pitched voice, said the most exhausting part was the bike ride around the lake (where she had to sit for a long time next to her nervous sister and wonder when it would end…and the face paint comes from being at Kohl Children’s Museum earlier in the day. It seems fitting.)
But you did it, Al…proof that Smith Kids can “Be Strong, Work Together, and NEVER Give Up!”