My thoughtful Motorola-workin’, frugal-minded hubby bought me a Droid Razr for a penny as part of a Black Friday special on Amazon this year.
So, I’ve said, “Good-bye flip phone (and landline)!” and “Hello Personal Droid. I like you.”
Now my calendar, phone, grocery list, To Dos, scriptures, email, Skype, FB, camera, blog, music, maps, tape measure, coupons, barcode scanner, and Angry Birds are all in one place…in the palm of my hand (okay, so realistically traveling around between 6 and a 1/2 pairs of hands…but boy do we have lots of golden eggs together!!).
I’m still adjusting to my new life (hence my previous post), but it’s heavenly and very Go-Go-Inspector Gadget-ish.
And as amazing as this personal robot is, I do get to suggest ideas for the next generation to someone who sits in meetings deciding those sorts of things. So, this is what I tell him: “I would like my next Droid to not just tell me everything about my life, but to calmly gather my children, slip on their boots, zip their winter coats, find that missing glove (and I don't even care if it matches), and get all 10 fingers in the right holes on the first try whenever The Alarm chimes.” I look forward to the future.
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