Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Exhibit C


In reference to the post about Brent yesterday…here’s more proof:

When we woke up before the kids this morning, Brent suggested we make a special breakfast for them. I started mixing up the pancakes, and Brent insisted on coloring the batter pink and making them heart-shaped. He personally watched over those pancakes until the last one came off the griddle. What a lovely start to our Valentine’s Day.

Valentines Day 2012 004

Valentines Day 2012 007Cienna was the first to wake up and quickly became co-chef.

Fathers can add so much to a child’s world.

And every time I observe the father of my children adding thoughtful details to the daily grind, I fall in love with him…deeper than the day before.

1 comment:

Utahna said...

Brent is wonderful, and you two are the perfect couple! I talked with Misty Foxley, LDSEHE Pres, and registration and details for the conference will be up Feb 29! :)